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Hanteras dina utskrivna dokument på ett

GDPR Compliant way?

Dokument kan innehålla mycket privat information och du behöver verktyg för att hjälpa användarna att hantera utskrivna dokument på ett sätt som uppfyller kraven. 

It needs to be easy and effective

Becoming GDPR complaint demands lots of actions and tight ongoing management. Most organisations don't have "print" on the top priority list. 


Never the less, a document with personal information left at the desk or not archived correctly can constitute a breach which can be very costly for the organisation. GDPR does not distinguish between types of archives.


All archive types are included regardless of whether they are electronic or paper-based.

Our target with the 3manager GDPR module is to help users to avoid these scenarios with a simple way of adding a status on the printed documents on a scheduled basis.  Archived, in progress or deleted?

What is the status of the document?

Its a quick GDPR to-do action list

We know there are 100 of things to be taken into consideration when talking GDPR, so for this concern - the handling of the document, our target is to help users stay compliant with simple and fast actions.  

The GDPR module is available with 3manager Essentials

Hur det fungerar

When, how and what

We call it the GDPR profile. Here you add your users, configure how often they should update their compliance and how to ensure follow-up in good time.

All users will get an e-mail with a link to a secure site with all their printing activity including the ability to mark documents as either in progress, deleted or archived. 

Tryck start

On request, users can ask to get their print job history either deleted or as minimum anonymised (remove user name and document name). This will be done by the administrator

Forget me

Reports on demand

När det behövs för audits eller interna ändamål hanteras exportrapporter som visar alla användare och deras godkännande av efterlevnad samt utskrivna dokument.

High flexibility and automation

The 3manager GDPR module is very flexible when it comes to how acceptance should be done. How often should your users accept? When should the first reminder be sent? Who should be on CC?   


And best of all, when you click start, it's in automation from here. 

Relax and let us do the hard work

Easy to get started

Vi har gjort det enkelt att komma igång med GDPR-hantering av utskrivna dokument. Ett par timmar och du är igång.

Need to have users confirm other actions?

Now that you have the users attention regarding their printed documents, you might as well ask them to confirm other needed actions. 

For example: 


  • Remove non-relevant e-mails

  • Clean up on the network folder

  • ... any other action required


The 3manager GDPR module will give you the ability to add unlimited extra actions which make life easier for your users when working with the GDPR compliance. 


In short, this will make user-oriented actions fast and effective.

Om 3manager

  • Supplies management (lowest cost in the industry)

  • Device management

  • Contract / cost management

  • Sales / performance management

  • Green management (CO2/Kwh tracking)

  • Procurement needs analysis

  • ... and more  

3manager provides a total software solution for multibrand printer management.


3manager används av många printföretag över hela världen på grund av det breda utbudet av funktioner som hjälper både kunder och leverantörer att få mycket valuta för pengarna och effektivitet. Oavsett om du arbetar med MPS-tjänster (managed print services), inklusive totalkostnadshantering, eller om du bara vill hantera förbrukningsartiklar på ett enkelt sätt, kan 3manager lösa dina utmaningar på ett tidsbesparande sätt.


3manager was founded in 2009 in Denmark and is today used worldwide by thousands of private as well public organisations. 


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